Sanchez-Reillo, R; Alonso-Moreno, R; Czajka, A; Kwon, YB
We present here a report on a new Performance Evaluation System for Biometric Systems, which is secure, automatic and remote. This system will provide developers in Biometrics to progress in their works, avoiding problems with data protection policies related to testing, but without compromising the privacy of testing subjects. Biometric testing needs personal data to be recorded and used. Therefore in order to test their prototypes, researchers have to waste a lot of time and money for buying or creating testing databases. The solution described here offers the developers a secure and remote system which is available at all times, and which concentrates all private data in a secured centralized server. Also, as current standards, including standard APIs, are used, efforts needed by developers to use the system will be minimized, lowering also the overhead costs for testing purposes. The system is described by block diagrams as well as flowcharts.